Notice Given
Notice Given
What have you noticed lately? What do you most often notice?
Sad to say, but many, at least it seems to me, notice everything
that is wrong or out of sorts within their own little world. Some
simply seem to be annoyed all the time about something if not right out angry.
There are others who will see differently. They observe beauty, perceive the everyday ordinary miracles of life, and are aware of mystery, wonder, and awe.
When you and I observe places, or things, or people, we never do so without our filters formed by experience, knowledge or ignorance, prejudice, faith, education, and the like.
When you see a homeless person, how are you seeing that one?
When you see an Indigenous Person of Canada, how are you seeing them?
When you drive by a Mosque, what do you see and feel and think? What’s your gut doing?
If you spot one of our Calgary Queer Church posters, what emotions and feelings are brought up within you?
When you see a male in a clergy collar, do you turn tail and run?
Jesus tells another parable:
There was a Rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table.
In your mind’s eye, what do you notice? Who do you notice? How do you feel?
Hear it again and notice:
There was a Rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table.
The wording “he longed to” suggests to me that Lazarus never even received a scarp or crumb of food. And of significance here, Lazarus is the only character in the many parables of Jesus that has a name. Lazarus is to be noticed.
Sadly, only the dogs notice, and they would come and lick his sores. Otherwise, they probably would have jumped on the crumbs quicker than Lazarus would have been able to have done.
As is common to all, rich and poor alike, death calls. Lazarus receives his comfort in the bosom of Abraham and well, the rich man goes to hell. Remember this is a parable. And remembering that, we ask, what does this say to us?
Notice is given. Or not. Or always.
You and I are always noticing things. Some are more perceptive than others. When I was with my merry band of children at the Calgary Zoo this summer I was amazed at how all the children would notice different things – colors, shapes, movements, sounds, smells – everyone noticed the smell in the Penguin enclosure!
But let me zero in here. I wonder if the rich man ever noticed Lazarus, and if he did, how did he see him? The rich man probably wasn’t a bad man. He was one many would consider successful. His problem was that we was unable to notice the other – the other named Lazars. One thing for certain, the rich man did not see with the eyes and heart of compassion.
Notice Given.
The Holy One – the Energy which is Love – the Abundant and Amazing Grace – some say God has given notice.
It rains on the good and evil, the rich and poor. The sun shines upon all creatures.
Notice Given.
Jesus notices the poor, the lonely, women, the sinner, and gentiles and the wealthy too.
Notice given…when you were sick, broken, devastated, and your world was upside down.
Notice given in the embrace of a friend, a soft word spoken, a meal shared, a strong shoulder to lean on.
Notice given in insight gained, strength renewed, and courage found to face another day.
You, You! have been noticed.
What is the notice you give when you see Lazarus? The refugee? The sick, lonely, and hungry?
The elderly, the differently-than-you-abled?
How many like Lazarus wait for a scrap of food?
How many like Lazarus wait for a scrap of love, of friendship, of forgiveness, of welcome?
Heaven and Well? Created by how one notices?
Be it known Notice Given! Heaven on Earth!