Deer Park United Church is located at
Rd S.E. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Good Food Box Depot
The Good Food Box is a program through the Community Kitchen Program of Calgary where individuals and families can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at a low cost. Deer Park United Church is a depot for this program. Once a month from September through June, orders can be placed for these delicious boxes. They are then delivered to Deer Park United Church later in the month. The Good Food Box operates by purchasing fresh top quality produce from farmers and wholesale clubs in bulk; their volunteers then divide the produce into portions and assemble the Good Food Boxes in their warehouse. This means that the Good Food Boxes contain the maximum produce possible in them for the price. Deer Park United Church collects the orders, receives the payments, and receives the boxes on delivery day. Dates for 2016 are: Order by September 13, box will be here September 22 Order by October 11, box will be here October 20 Order by November 8, box will be here November 17 No box in December