Holy Hiking

“God has placed eternity in the fleshy, beating hearts of humans.” (Catherine Woodiwss, “Marginalia – Bodily Prayer,” Sojourners, June 2018, page 25) Woodiwiss writes about her experience of spending time in the Grand Canyon far beyond any connection to the internet or to cell phones
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A Brush with Death

This text came from my wife while I was out hiking: I discovered it upon my arrival back in Calgary around 6:00pm as I was dropping off my hiking companions. So, I think, “I’m on my way and will find out about her adventures when I get to the house.” To make a long story short, my wif
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The Gospel According to You

The Gospel According to You Garrison Keillor says that the two disciples on the road to Emmaus were happily the victims of one the greatest practical jokes ever. They had been in Jerusalem and had witnessed all that went down there over the past few days. Jesus was betrayed after havi
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Overturning Tables

There is a picture of a bearded and hairy legged man all dressed up in a cheerleader’s costume with pompoms in hand waiting with others for the arrival of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. As he looks around, he notices all others with palm branches and says, “I heard Jack the Stutterer sa
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Untied United Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” They answered, “Some say that you are John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and still others one of the prophets.” Jesus asked a second question, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messia
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The Great Search

The Great Search Mark 1:29-39 There is a lot going on in the passage of Mark 1:29-39. Jesus and others enter a home where Simon’s mother-in-law is in bed and sick with a fever. Jesus healed her. Word must have spread quickly that Jesus was there and what he had done, because people sh
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For the People

We are called to follow Jesus. To be disciples of Jesus, but who is this one we are called to follow? There is a scriptural reference where Jesus asks the disciples, “Who do others say that I am?” “Master, thou art the supreme eschatological manifestation of omnipotent ecclesias
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Disciples Dining Together

“Disciples Dining Together” John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by he exclaimed, “Look! Here is the Lamb of God!” His two disciples heard him. They left and followed Jesus. John lost, lost two disciples. Puff! Gone! In the twinkling of an eye. Poo
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People of Good Will

“Glory to God in the highest places and peace on earth among persons of good will.” This angelic pronouncement was given to the shepherds on that star-lit night of Jesus’ birth. After the angels departed from them, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see thi
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